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Cambridge Stem Cell Institute


Why engage?

Stem cell research impacts many different parts of society, and consequently receives a large amount of public interest and scrutiny. As research leaders in this area, we believe our scientists play an important role in engaging with the public. In doing so, these encounters have the potential to enhance the quality of the scientific questions we ask and help us continue to build public trust in research.

Our team

Greg Palmer is our Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement Manager. Professor Elisa Laurenti is the Academic Champion for Public Engagement and chair of our Public Engagement Steering Committee. Get in touch at any time by emailing

Our approach

To ensure that public engagement remains a core part of our research culture, we have developed a public engagement strategy to direct our programme of events, activities and training. You can find more information about our four strategic aims, target communities and outcomes by following the links below.

PE Strategy Aim 1

PE Strategy Aim 2

Aim 1: to reach beyond Cambridge to raise awareness about stem cells on a national and international level.

Aim 2: to connect with local under-served communities and empower them to access stem cell research.

PE Strategy Aim 3

PE Strategy Aim 4

Aim 3: to give patients a voice in our research and engagement activities that is valued and utilised.

Aim 4: to create an open and engaged research culture.