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Cambridge Stem Cell Institute


Professor Muzlifah Haniffa

Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellow in Clinical Science, Lister Institute Prize Fellow, Professor of Dermatology and Immunology

Affiliation: Newcastle University, Faculty of Medical Sciences


Muzlifah Haniffa is a dermatologist pioneering the applications of single cell genomics technologies to understand tissue homeostasis, immunity and disease pathogenesis.  A major research goal of her laboratory is to decode the development and functional maturation of the human immune system.  

Research Summary

My research is focused on studying human development primarily the developing human immune system and skin to inform stem cell therapy, tissue engineering and adult pathology. My team leverages cutting edge single cell genomics, computation, stem cell culture systems including the generation of skin organoids as experimental models to study human development.

I play a leading role in the Human Cell Atlas including the Developmental Cell Atlas and contribute to the Human Developmental Biology Initiative. To accelerate data sharing and access, my team has developed freely accessible and browsable webportals including one dedicated to human developmental datasets (

I am passionate about mentoring and diversity in science. I initiated and led a widening participation initiative to host Nuffield Research Placements Programme into the Wellcome 4Ward North Doctoral Training Programme across Newcastle, Sheffield, Leeds and Manchester universities and is a steering group member for the Wellcome Sanger Institute Excellence Fellowship.


CSCI collaborators

Bertie Göttgens

Elisa Laurenti


PhD programmes

Wellcome Sanger Institute PhD programme

Wellcome 4Ward North Doctoral Training programme