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Cambridge Stem Cell Institute


Research Culture and Integrity is central to the mission of the Wellcome-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute (CSCI).

We are committed to achieving excellence in research and are fully aware that the fulfilment of our responsibility to participants in research, research users and the wider community required the highest standards of integrity and ethics.

To maintain high standards of research practice, the CSCI will uphold the commitments outlined in Universities UK’s Concordat to Support Research Integrity.

More specifically, at CSCI we want to ensure all aspects of research are carried out with:

  • The highest standard of honesty, rigour, transparency and open communication.
  • Appropriate ethical, legal and professional frameworks, obligations and standards.
  • Care and respect for all participants in and subjects of research including humans, animals, the environment and cultural objects.
  • The accountability for a positive research environment supporting all staff members


Our Ambition

All research within CSCI should adhere to the following principles:

  • Togetherness: Creating an honest and positive environment in which colleagues support each other to succeed.
  • Fairness: Recognising and valuing different roles and contributions at all levels to a research endeavour. Supporting colleagues to succeed in their chosen career path and to learn about opportunities for various career paths.
  • Excellence: Delivering to the highest quality in what we do, in research, education and professional services
  • Openness: Supporting transparency, rigour, and reproducibility by facilitating early sharing of e.g. research data, software, code, and materials to a wider audience.
  • Integrity: Providing a culture where people are supported to conduct research to the highest standards to increase the quality of, and trust in, the research record.


Research Culture and Integrity Seminar Series

We have a Research Culture and Integrity seminar series covering a range of topics such as research integrity, data management, open access and research ethics. These workshops and seminars are open to all institute and affiliate researchers and will provide training and advice on these important areas in research culture and integrity. 


Research Culture & Integrity Initiatives

  • In 2024 six prizes were awarded for efforts to Research Integrity and Workplace Culture: Research Integrity - Mekayla Storer (PI) and Jacqui Davidson (Admin Group); Workplace Culture - Adam Spruce (Postgrad student, Khaled Group), Chloe Baxter (Technician), Deborah Passey (Sinha Group), Miriam di Re (Hodson Group). Read more details here. 
  • In 2023 three prizes were given for exceptional contributions to research culture and integrity: Research Culture Prize - John Xu (Postdoc, Rowitch Group), Research Culture Prize - Darran Clements (Facilities), Research Integrity Prize - George Giotopoulos (Postdoc, Huntly Group)
  • In 2022 we awarded prizes to two new recipients for their commitment to research culture, and a research integrity prize to a new recipient for establishing improved systems at CSCI.
  • In 2021 the institute launched our first Research Culture and Integrity prizes to celebrate individuals who have excelled in their commitment to promoting positive research culture and integrity. Find out more about our 2021 prize winners here.
  • In 2020 the institute launched the Empowering Research Seminar series, covering a range of topics such as research integrity, data management, open access and research ethics. These workshops and seminars are open to all institute and affiliate researchers and will provide training and advice on these important areas in research culture and integrity. 

The Institute supports the Research Integrity policies promoted by the University and the Clinical School Policies on the Research Governance webpages. Links to a range of policies from the University, Clinical School and our funders can be found on the Guidelines and Policies page.


Research Culture & Integrity Committee

The Research Culture & Integrity Committee at the Institute play an important role in the development and implementation of guidelines, procedures and policies related to research culture and integrity, including reproducibility, misconduct, and data management.

The CSCI Research Culture & Integrity committee has representation across all components of CSCI and reports directly to the Strategy Advisory Committee (SAC). Dr Nicola Wilson, Chair of the Research Culture & Integrity Committee, is also a member of the School of Biological Sciences'  Research Culture Champions Network and can be contacted with queries relating to the network.

Dr Nicola Wilson (Chair) 

Post-doc (Göttgens lab)

Dr Maria Alcolea

Group Leader

Ghanesh Angris

Research Laboratory
Floor Technician 

Group Leader

Dr Maite Bejar

Post-doc (Alcolea lab)

Toni Bray

Lab manager (Storer lab)

Danielle Daft

Research Manager

Jade Gong

Post-doc (Hodson lab)

Dr Stephanie Hall

Principal Technician

Dr Brian Hendrich

Group Leader

Professor Brian Huntly

Group Leader

Seun Ogundele

PhD Student (Hendrich lab)

Greg Palmer

Public Engagement Manager

Laura Puhl 

Research Communications &
Events Manager 



Queries about Research Data Management can be discussed with the Research Manager, Danielle Daft or our Research Data Champions, Darran Clements and Hugo Bastos at

Students and staff with any suggestions, queries or concerns can contact members of the committee or the Research Manager.