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Cambridge Stem Cell Institute


The 'MPhil in Biological Science (Stem Cell Biology)' will be carried out under the supervision of a Principal Investigator from within the Cambridge Stem Cell Institute, and based in their research group. At the end, students write a thesis, which is examined via an oral examination (viva).

Its main aims are:

  • to give students with relevant experience, the opportunity to carry out focused research in the discipline under close supervision; 

  • to give students the opportunity to acquire or develop skills and expertise, relevant to their research interests.

Annual Recruitment Timeline (for Michaelmas Term starters)

September Application Opens
Early December Funding application deadline
January Interviews held
May Final application deadline
March - July University Admission process (offer conditions to be met)
Following October Term Starts

Further details on this course including eligibility requirements, funding possibilities and the application process can be found here.


How To Apply

All applications must be made via the Applicant Portal. Application for October 2025 entry will open in September 2024. Check back here then for details.

  • Applicants are required to identify a potential supervisor prior to submitting an application, to discuss the possibility of supervision, their proposed research project and funding options. A list of available projects will be advertised on this page over the summer, so please review these and get in touch with the relevant supervisors to discuss further. Contact details for our Principal Investigators can be found here.
  • Once you have had these discussions with a supervisor and been advised by them to make a formal application, you can submit your application via the Applicant Portal
  • References: It is your responsibility to ensure that your references are provided by the application deadline. We suggest that you notify your referees of this requirement, as soon as possible, before you submit your application. 
  • Interviews: Note that the interviews for MPhil by thesis candidates also wanting to be considered for Cambridge funding, will take place on 16th and 17th January 2025.



  • This MPhil is self-funded, so candidates will be required to source their own funding. Applicants are advised to tick the box in the application form to "be considered for University funding" if you'd like to be considered for various University funding possibilities - Note these are very competitive so it's also advised to seek out your own external scholarships. 


MPhil Projects for 2025-26

>> Click here for a list of MPhil projects on offer for 2025-26 admission <<


Applicant Portal: