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Cambridge Stem Cell Institute


The Core Facility services are focused on the routine histology including tissue processing and paraffin embedding, sectioning FFPE and frozen blocks, H&E and a selection of tinctorial stains. Please get in touch for further information.

The facility is open to the members of the Institute as well as to external users.


Services provided by the facility:

  • Tissue Processing and Paraffin Embedding
  • Sectioning: Frozen and Paraffin
  • H&E and number of Special Stains
  • Training



A number of the instruments are accessible and can be booked:

  • Cryostat (Leica)
  • Microtome (Leica)
  • Dewaxing and H&E station

One of our cryostat is equipped with the CryoJane tape transfer system.

Please contact the facility to arrange the training and get access to the booking system.  


Contacts and Samples submission:

The facility is overseen by Darran Clements and benefits from the support of the highly experienced histology technician Richard Jenkins 

New users – please arrange to meet us and discuss your project and how to collect and prepare your samples before submitting them to the facility.

Please use this submission form  Please email the pre-filled form to us before bringing your samples.


Useful resources:

IHC world for a large collection of histology protocols

Stains file is a fantastic educational resource explaining all nitty-gritties of tinctorial stains

WebPath Utah brings together a variety of histology protocols and illustrated pathological findings, hosted by the University of Utah