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Cambridge Stem Cell Institute


We aim to reach beyond Cambridge to raise awareness about stem cells on a national and international level.


  • 66% of the UK public do not feel well informed about stem cell research and only 57% feel the benefits outweigh the risks (Public Attitudes to Science Survey, 2014).
  • Stem cell research and regenerative medicine will affect global communities and impact global health.
  • Engagement work should enhance the debate at this level.


  • By growing our digital and online presence to allow our researchers to engage geographically dispersed groups, co-creating content to enhance the relevance of our films, podcasts and social media to our target audiences.
  • By building partnerships throughout the UK, Europe, and beyond to collaborate on new and existing engagement initiatives.
  • By utilisting our researchers’ global networks to engage communities with the people and in the places that best represent them.


  • Increased awareness of basic stem cell biology concepts 
  • Enhanced trust in stem cell research and scientists 
  • Availability of tailored resources for the public to interpret stem cell research and its therapeutic potential


Past project highlights

Review our case study on our digital engagement work.

Seuninscience Responsive Research

#blackgirlinscience, ongoing

YouTube and Instagram                             

Seed Fund Project

#ResponsiveResearch, 2020


DishLife Game I'm a Scientist

Dish Life : The Game, 2020

App Store game

In collaboration with Department of Sociology 

I'm a Scientist: Stay at home, 2020

Online forum

In collaboration with the MRC Medical Research Zone

openupstemcells 4L Rally

#openupstemcells, 2019

YouTube and Twitter

In collaboration with EuroStemCell

4L Rally, 2019


Seed Fund Project

Lab grown blood cells 

Infinite Potentials exhibition, 2018

New York and Cambridge

As part of the MRC Festival of Medical Research

Laboratory-grown blood cells, 2018


Patient Films DishLife

Patient stories, 2016


Dish Life, 2016


A Cambridge Shorts film, in collaboration with Department of Sociology