What is an Interdisciplinary Research Centre?
Interdisciplinary Research Centres (IRCs) are managed by the University of Cambridge as a cross-school initiative to encourage multi-discipline research in order to address research challenges, facilitate knowledge transfer, increase research capacity, and enhance our ability to influence international research and policy.
Who we are
The Stem Cells Interdisciplinary Research Centre (IRC) is a hub for stem cell research across the University of Cambridge. Researchers from departments across the University and affiliated organisations are involved in the programme of IRC activities, including the 29 PIs at the Cambridge Stem Cell Institute and the network of 37 affiliated PIs and their research groups.
Our aims
The overall aim of the Cambridge Stem Cells IRC is to facilitate inter-disciplinary interactions across the University and the wider community of researchers in Cambridge whose work has significance to stem cell research and therapeutics.
The 4 main aims:
AIM 1: To strengthen research collaborations and knowledge transfer across disciplines
AIM 2: To increase capacity and profile by providing a platform for large-scale funding applications, recruitments and international research partnerships
AIM 3: To address large-scale multi-disciplinary challenges
AIM 4: To enhance our ability to influence national and international research, policy and funding agendas
Join our Stem Cells IRC network:
- Connect to a large network of researchers from a range of stem cell backgrounds, including physics, engineering, sociology and fundamental biology.
- Get the opportunity to receive and share stem cell news from across Cambridge via the weekly Newsletter.
- Support and facilitate cross-disciplinary activities, including workshops, seminars & events.
- Learn about small and large seed funding and grants opportunities for interdisciplinary research.
To find out more or to join the mailing list to receive the newsletter, contact comms@stemcells.cam.ac.uk