The CSCI supports and upholds policies relating to Research Culture and Integrity from the Clinical School, the University and our funders.
Links to some of these policies can be found below:
The UUK Concordat to Support Research Integrity
University of Cambridge policies and guidelines:
University Good Research Practice Guidelines
University Research Integrity Statement
University Policy on the Ethics of Research Involving Human Participants and Personal Data
University Research Data Management Policy Framework
University Animal Research Information
University Financial Regulations
Policy Against Bribery and Corruption
Children and Vulnerable Adults Safeguarding Policy
Clinical School policies and guidelines:
Clinical School Research Governance website
Clinical School Information Governance website
Wellcome policies and guidelines:
Responsible Conduct of Research
Data, software and materials management and sharing policy
UKRI policies and guidelines:
Guidance on Best Practice in the Management of Research Data
MRC policies and guidelines:
Policies and Guidance for Researchers - good research practice and research integrity
Good research practice: Principles and guidelines