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Cambridge Stem Cell Institute


CSCI Tissue culture facility


The Tissue Culture Facility provides services primarily to CSCI, but some services are available to all university departments. Please email if you would like to use any of our

Aliquot productions

The Tissue Culture Facility provides sterile aliquots in single use/low volumes. These aliquots are available to buy for all academic labs.



penicillin/streptomycin 100x - 5.5ml, 100ml

Sabouraud broth to detect yeast -9ml 

Blasticidin 10mg/ml - 50µl

Thioglycolate medium to detect bacteria - 5ml 

4hydroxytamoxifen 1mM - 0.5ml 

Soyabean broth to detect bacteria - 5ml 

puromycin solution (10mg/ml) - 1ml, 20ul

Mycoplasma strip tests

G418 [Geneticin] (50mg/ml) - 4ml, 1ml

Lenti-X GoStix test - testing for lentivirus

hygromycin B 50 mg/ml - 1ml


Zeocin 100mg/ml- 1.25ml

Gelatin 1 % - 30ml  

 Media additives

Gelatin 0.1% - 550ml

L-glutamine 200mM- 5.5ml, 100ml

Trypan blue - 100ml

MEM non-essential amino acids - 5.5ml, 100ml

TC grade water - 500ml 

Sodium pyruvate - 5.5ml, 100ml

DMSO cell culture - 100ml

Insulin Human 5ml @10mg/ml- 275ul, 5ml

PBS Ca&Mg free - 500ml Sigma

Bovine Insulin 5mg/ml - 500µl

PBS Ca& Mg free - 500ml Gibco

Mouse Lif 10µg/ml - 550µl 

BSA (0.1%) in PBS - 500ml 

Human Lif 10µg/ml - 550µl 

 Biochem Proteins

Activin A2 0.5mg/ml - 10µl  

TAT cre 0.5mM - 50µl

FGF2 50µg/ml - 100µl

Activin A - 250ug

Noggin 100ug/ml - 40ul

Human BDNF - 100ug

FGF10 100ug/ml - 40ul

eSpCas9 5.3 mg/ml (32 µM) - 50ul

FGF7 50ug/ml - 80ul

Cas9 4.8mg/ml - 50ul

Chiron 10mM - 15, 30, 45 60µl

 Detachment reagents

PD03 10mM- 15, 30, 45 60µl

TRYPSIN EDTA 0.25% - 17ml 

 Made to order/batch tested reagents

Accutase - 17ml, 100ml

 HCE - 100ml aliquoted to order

Triple express - 500 ml 

Adenine 4.86mg/ml- 400x 2.5ml


Apotransferrin 5mg/ml - 384x510ul

FBS evaluated for mES suitability - 5, 50, 500ml

RSPO1 Conditioned media - order in advance

EU approved general FBS - 5, ,20, 50, 500ml

WNT3a Conditioned media - order in advance

FBS evaluated for haematopoietic progenitors - 500ml

Homemade N2 - 5ml

Knockout Serum Replacement serum - 50ml, 500ml

Homemade BN2 - 56 ml, 112ml aliquoted to order


Neurobasal Media - 500ml Batch tested


B27 - 10ml batch tested, 17x530µl


We also hold and supply Qkine proteins -

CSCI members can find the order forms in the department SharePoint

Non-employees should email enquiries to:


Mycoplasma Screening – JCBC only

The Tissue Culture Facility routinely run a PCR-based mycoplasma test which is available to labs in the JCBC for a cost of £3/sample or £60 for an urgent test of up to 20 samples. The PCR tests are sensitive down to 500CFU/ml. To submit a sample for testing all we need is a sample of media from your cells that is antibiotic free and has been on the cells for 5 days.

We can also run rapid tests of up to 8 samples using the Invivogen mycostrips, but this test is less sensitive and detects fewer species of mycoplasma.

Order forms and details of how to prepare samples can be found on SharePoint.


Plasticware – Biomedical Campus only

The TC team bulk purchase plastic consumables for the TC labs, ensuring the best price. These are delivered to the users normally with same day delivery. CSCI members can find the plasticware order forms on SharePoint.

Non CSCI members should email the TC team for the latest version of the order form.



The Academic chair for Tissue Culture is Maria Alcolea.

For general enquiries about the services provided by the Tissue Culture team, please email: or call: 01223 760293