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Wellcome-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute

  • 25Jan

    Speaker: Paul Bourgine, PI of Laboratory for Cell, Lund Stem Cell Centre - Lund University

    Title: 3D modelling strategies to study the human bone marrow niche

    Host: Joo-Hyeon Lee, PI, Wellcome-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute

  • 18Jan

    Speaker: Richard Tyser, PI, Emergence of form and function during early heart development

    Title: Form and function during heart development

    Host: Sanjay Sinha 

  • 11Jan

    Speaker: Matthias Zilbauer, PI, Intestinal stem cell biology

    Title: Patient derived intestinal organoid models to investigate epigenetic mechanisms in IBD

    Host: Bertie Gottgens

  • 05Dec

    Speaker: Nicola Reynolds, postdoc, Hendrich lab

    Talk Title: "Enhancer Resetting: How chromatin translates signals into transcripts"

    Speaker: Iona Thelwall, PhD student, Chalut lab

    Talk Title: "Using synthetic hydrogels to develop Matrigel-free cholangiocyte cultures"

    Host: Brian Hendrich

  • 30Nov

    Speaker: Brian Huntly, PI, Leukaemia stem cell biology and leukaemogenesis

    Talk title: "The role of chromatin regulators in subverting haematopoietic stem and progenitor function"

    Host: Tony Green

  • 28Nov

    Speaker: Stanley Strawbridge, Postdoctoral Fellow, Basu lab

    Talk Title: "Human embryonic stem cells derived from single-cells of the epiblast: Building a resource for studying development and disease"

    Host: Srinjan Basu

  • 23Nov

    Speaker: Prof. Ophir Klein, Exec Director of Cedars-Sinai, Guerin Children's, Professor of Paediatrics, UC San Francisco

    Talk title: "Development, renewal and plasticity in oral and gastrointestinal epithelia"

    Host: David Rowitch


  • 21Nov

    Speaker: Annabel Curle, PhD student, Jones/Barker labs

    Talk Title: "Immune characterisation of human embryonic stem cell derived dopaminergic progenitors - implications for neural grafting in Parkinson's Disease"

    Speaker: Francesca Perrone, Postdoc, Zilbauer lab

  • 16Nov

    Speaker: Sumru Bayin, Affiliate PI, Gurdon Institute

    Talk title: "Age-dependent regenerative mechanisms in the brain"

    Host: Thora Karadottir

  • 14Nov

    Speaker: Daniel Moore, PhD student, Christophorou lab

    Talk Title: "The KRAB-ZNF protein Zkscan3 regulates DNA methylation of retrotransposons during developmental epigenetic reprogramming"

    Speaker: Yasmine Kamen, PhD student, Karadottir lab

    Talk Title: "Oligodendrocyte precursor cell diversity: a matter of state?"