Submitted by Greg Palmer on Wed, 31/05/2023 - 13:50
The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) and National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) have awarded their 2023 Paediatric Involvement and Engagement in Research Prize to the research group led by Dr Matthias Zilbauer.
The RCPCH-NIHR Paediatric Involvement and Engagement in Research Prize is awarded annually to multidisciplinary research teams who make outstanding contributions to involving paediatric patients and families in the development and delivery of research as part of NIHR Clinical Research Network Portfolio studies.
The group are recognised for demonstrating a commitment to research informed by children and young people, their families, and those who support them.
With a base at Addenbrooke's Hospital, the main referral centre for children with gut disease in the East of England, they have built a translational research portfolio around their patient population.
Clinicians in the team introduce opportunities to take part in research at first contact, with age-appropriate information shared with both parents and children.
At the heart of this lies a co-created research newsletter called Under the Microscope, which contains contributions from doctors, scientists and patients.
Recently, the group have been working on IBDmate - a comprehensive learning platform which includes short films of children sharing their stories and accessible content on the importance and benefits of research.
Group Leader Matthias Zilbauer commented "We are extremely proud of receiving this award as it provides recognition for our research work, and the achievements on which this award is based were only possible through an amazing team effort.
“The key to our success is the commitment of all team members, including physicians, scientists and nurses, as well as our patients and their families.
“Special recognition goes to our amazing research nurse Claire Glemas, who has not only recruited 1000 children to our translational research studies, but has also successfully established a thriving, innovative parent/patient engagement programme working with Jen Rose, author of the IBD Colouring Journal and one of our parent/patient representatives.
“We never cease to be amazed when one of our young patients agrees to support our research, which although not of any direct benefit to them, may help other children in the future.”
The Zilbauer Group are one of 29 research groups with labs at the Wellcome-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute, part of the University of Cambridge, and form the Paediatric Gastroenterology Research Team at Addenbrooke's Hospital, part of Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
The team accepted their prize earlier this month at the RCPCH Annual Conference in Glasgow, Scotland.