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Cambridge Stem Cell Institute

  • 27Apr

    Speaker: Micahel McNicholas, Milner Institute

    Title: "Using In-Utero Electroporation and the transposon system to generate models of paediatric high-grade glioma" 

    For more information email:

  • 26Apr

    Matthew Williams, PhD Student, Green lab

    Title: 'The role of canonical and non-canonical STAT5 signalling in HSCs'

    Balazs Varga, Postdoc, Karadottir lab

    Title: 'Can immune cells alter brain development? The unusual role of “early birds”.

  • 21Apr

    Speaker: Roger Barker, Professor of Clinical Neuroscience & Honorary Consultant in Neurology, University of Cambridge

    Title: "How close are we to delivering a stem cell based therapy in Parkinson's Disease? 

    For more information email:


  • 19Apr

    Thomas Dennison, PhD Student, Zilbauer lab

    'The role of NOD-like receptor family CARD domain containing 5 in the intestinal epithelium in health and Inflammatory Bowel Disease'

    Greta Skrupskelyte, Postdoc, Alcolea lab

    “The role of the microenvironment in early lesions

  • 29Mar

    Kaiser Karim, PhD student, Kotter lab

    Title: "Integrative genomic analysis of Neurogenin2 reprogramming of human iPSCs"

    Megan Sherida, Postdoc, Turco lab

    Title: "Primary human trophoblast stem cell models: deciphering their in vivo equivalents and recapitulating HLA expression"

  • 24Mar

    Speaker: Sarah Bray, Professor of Developmental Biology, (University of Cambridge)

    Title: "Decoding the Notch signal"

    For more information email:

  • 22Mar


    Elisa Panada, Postdoc, Cvejic lab

    Title: "Deciphering the myeloid landscape of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer"

    Vincent Knight-Schrijver, Postdoc, Sinha lab

    Title: "The transcriptomic gap between foetal and adult epicardium"

  • 18Mar

    Speaker: Dr Christine Boinett, Postdoctoral Fellow - Wellcome Sanger Institute

    Title: "You NEED good mentors in your career!"

    For more information email:



  • 17Mar

    Speaker: Luisa Cochella

    Institution: Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP), Vienna

  • 15Mar


    Connor Ross, PhD Student, Nichols lab

    Title: "Context-dependent cell fate choices throughout human development  - changing the situation when WNT arrives"

    Nejma Belaadi, Postdoc, Franklin lab

    Title: "Tune the mechanical environment to expand hepatic cells"